




I'm glad to tell you that even my wife and I are getting old, we still keep healthy. I celebrated my 80th birhday in 2013. I believe that life starts at age of 80. Besides I pulished two books and one of them is called Family Tree, I am also working on my biography now. We wish you Merry Christams and happy holidays! Wish you all the best in a brand new year!

Thank you for your help! Mr. Ding 2/29 Beijing

ps:外国人最常用的祝福方式在节日期间,就是merry christmas,happy new year, 平时是什么have a great day,从不说什么身体健康,生活愉快。但这些问候以包含此意。


I'm glad to tell you,although my wife and I are get on in years,we are in good condition,In 2013,I celebrated my 80' birthday, I believe that "life begins from 80-year-old".Now,except published two books,one is 《genealogy》of my family ,I'm write my memoirs。
Merry Christmas and happy new year!Have a good lifetime! Good health to you!
Thanks for your help!
Lao Ding


I'm pleased to let you know that my wife and I are all fine though we both are in the range
of elderly. I celerbrated my 80 birthday in 2013. I believe that " the life starts at age of 80."
I published two books including "my family tree". Now I am wring my biography.
Wish you merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
Also wish you all the best and healthy in you life.
Thank you for your help, from Lao Ding
