蚊子和狮子 结尾说:“这故事适用于那些打败过大人物,却被小人物打败的人。” 这是在两个极端之间的转化。为什么会发生这样的转化呢?就因为胜利冲昏了头脑。
作者将蚊子、狮子按照它们各自的特征加以拟人化,显得生动有趣。 两相对比,尖锐地讽刺了胜利后骄傲自满、得意忘形的思想意识,告诫人们:任何时候都要谦虚谨慎,只有保持清醒的头脑,才能永远立于不败之地。
有只蚊子飞到狮子那里,说:“我不怕你,你也并不比我强多少。你的力量究竟有多大?是用爪子抓,还是用牙齿咬?仅这几招,女人同男人打架时也会用。可我却比你要厉害得多。你若愿意,我们不妨来比试比试。”蚊子吹着喇叭,猛冲上前去,专咬狮子鼻子周围没有毛的地方。狮子气得用爪子把自己的脸都抓破了,最后终于要求停战。蚊子战胜了狮子,吹着喇叭,唱着凯歌,在空中飞来飞去,不料却被蜘蛛网粘住了。蚊子将被吃掉的时候,悲叹道:“我已战胜了最强大的动物,却被这小小的蜘蛛所消灭。” 这故事是说,骄傲是没有好下场的,有些人虽击败过比自己强大的人,也会被比自己弱小的人打败。
Mosquitoes flew in front of a lion, he said: "I am not afraid of you, you do not than I am strong. What is the force you in the end it« is grasping claws and teeth to bite with «weak woman who fights with men, will be so dry . I am much stronger than you. If you wish, we have to contest contest! "Mosquito says, blowing speakers, powerful and Chong the past, North Korea faces a lion bite. It faces the Lions did not bite the hair, Yao De lion loudly Kuangjiao. It Qide use their claws to grasp the Lian the Phi. Mosquito defeated the Lions, blowing trumpet, singing songs of praise on the left. Unexpectedly, at the effect it was a Nianzhu a spider's web. Mosquitoes to be eaten, sigh, said: "I am the most powerful enemy with all contest that Unexpectedly, this little spider has been eliminated."
This story apply to those who beat the VIPs, defeated by the little people.
The title of the dog meat
A magnificent dog, Xianzhe their difficulties to fight a large piece of fat meat, happily to cross the river. He Shunzhe meat on the side of the grease, while calculating how to enjoy the delicious aroma Pubi. "In the shade of large trees slowly taste," he would like to, "the fox to guard against the predatory general favorite guys." While walking to his heart Mei Zizi, a wandering child Xiaopao on the bridge. Perhaps it is too excited, he could not help Zuoguyoupan. Suddenly, a glimpse river in his own shadow. The dark green water as a mirror, so that his image is also very clear, only a mighty big dogs, Xianzhe a Feimei of fresh meat, is ill and looked at their own. "This is where the other dogs to do» "dog secretly Sicun," he That's the title of meat looks even more the United States, why I do not seize up »so I can have two pieces of meat , The United States and the United States to enjoy the day. "Thought here, he Gu Bude to carefully consider, on opening their release meat, Zongshen the river to the" dog "Puqu, would like to seize the greater one. The results, the two are not the meat. It did not gain a greater, because the original is a shadow, and he had the Xianzhao That was also swept away by the river. This story applies to those greedy people.