




1、ahead of time 比约定的时间提前 

I think we’ll get there ahead of time.


2、ahead of one’s time 比其他人更有才华

He’s ahead of his time. No one knows how important his discoveries are.


3、all in good time 在适当的时候

I’ll get to you all in good time. Please be patient.


4、at a set time 在规定的时间

We’ll meet at the set time.


5、at all times 一直

Make sure to keep your seat belts on at all times.


6、at the appointed time 在规定的时间

We’ll meet at the appointed time and place.


7、behind the times 过时,不符合现在潮流的

She dresses like it was the 70s she’s behind the times!


8、to bide one’s time 等待

I’m biding my time until he arrives.


9、from time to time 偶尔

I like playing golf from time to time.


10、have the time of one’s life 度过愉快的经历

My daughter had the time of her life in Disneyland.


11、keep time 打拍子

Can you keep time while we practice this piece?


12、live on borrowed time 朝不保夕地活着

He’s living on borrowed time if he keeps that up!


13、make time for something or someone 腾出时间,尤其是为了某事或某人

I need to make some extra time for reading.


14、out of time 时间快用完了

I’m afraid we’re out of time for today.


15、pressed for time 时间紧迫

I’m pressed for time today. Hurry up!


16、Time is money 时间就是金钱,表示某人的时间很重要的表达

Remember that time is money, let’s hurry up.


17、when the time is ripe 当时机合适时

We’ll get there when the time is ripe!



all the time一直,始终
at the same time同时at that time 在那时
from time to time有时,不时
in time及时
on time按时
many a time多次
have a hard time(in)doing sth做……很困难
at a time每次,一次
at one time曾经,一度
at no time从不,决不
in no time立即,马上
take time费时间,花功夫
take one’s time不慌不忙
Time is money.
Time flies.
Time has wings.
Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.
Time stays not the fool's leisure.
Time and I against any two.
Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.
Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

Time undermines us.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Time cannot be won again.
Time is , time was , and time is past.
Time lost can not be recalled.
Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.

Time tries friends as fire tries gold.
Time tries truth.
Time is the father of truth.
Time will tell.
Time brings the truth to light.
Time and chance reveal all secrets.
Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.
Time reveals(discloses) all things.
Time tries all.

There is no time like the present.
Take time by the forelock.
To choose time is to save time.
Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
One of these days is none of these days.
Tomorrow never comes.
What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

Time works wonders.
Time works great changes.
Times change.


against time 1. 争分夺秒地,尽快地:时限很快就要到了地 Worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.
争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞 at one time 1. 同时的 2. 曾经:在过去的某一时刻或某段时期 at the same time 1. 但是,然而 at times 1. 有时;间或 behind the times 1. 过时的;陈旧的 for the time being 1. 暂时的 from time to time 1. 时时;间或 high time 1. 早已超过时间 It's high time that you started working.
你早该开始工作了 in good time 1. 及时,迅速:在合适的一段时间内 2. 及时:在到期时或在此之前 3. 迅速地 in no time 1. 几乎马上地;立刻 in time 1. 及时:在时限到来之前 2. 最后,终于:在不定的时间内;最终 In time they came to accept the harsh facts.
他们最终承认了严酷的事实 3. 【音乐】 合拍 on time 1. 按时,准时:按时间表的;准时的(地) 2. 以分期付款方式地 time after time 1. 一次又一次地;重复地 time and again 1. 一次又一次;重复地 time of (one's) life 1. 非常愉快的经历 We had the time of our lives at the beach.
我们在海滩上度过了最愉快的时刻 time on (one's) hands 1. 无事可做的间隙 time was 习惯用语 against time 1. 争分夺秒地,尽快地:时限很快就要到了地 Worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.
争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞 at one time 1. 同时的 2. 曾经:在过去的某一时刻或某段时期 at the same time 1. 但是,然而 at times 1. 有时;间或 behind the times 1. 过时的;陈旧的 for the time being 1. 暂时的 from time to time 1. 时时;间或 high time 1. 早已超过时间 It's high time that you started working.
你早该开始工作了 in good time 1. 及时,迅速:在合适的一段时间内 2. 及时:在到期时或在此之前 3. 迅速地 in no time 1. 几乎马上地;立刻 in time 1. 及时:在时限到来之前 2. 最后,终于:在不定的时间内;最终 In time they came to accept the harsh facts.
他们最终承认了严酷的事实 3. 【音乐】 合拍 on time 1. 按时,准时:按时间表的;准时的(地) 2. 以分期付款方式地 time after time 1. 一次又一次地;重复地 time and again 1. 一次又一次;重复地 time of (one's) life 1. 非常愉快的经历 We had the time of our lives at the beach.
我们在海滩上度过了最愉快的时刻 time on (one's) hands 1. 无事可做的间隙 time was 1. 曾有一个时候 “Time was when[urban gangs] were part of a . . . subculture that inner-city adolescence outgrew” ( -- George F. Will)
“曾经有个时候城内的青年人已成长大了,[都市群体] 不再属于亚文化群的一部分” ( -- 乔治F.威尔) 展开词组习语1. 曾有一个时候 “Time was when[urban gangs] were part of a . . . subculture that inner-city adolescence outgrew” ( -- George F. Will)
“曾经有个时候城内的青年人已成长大了,[都市群体] 不再属于亚文化群的一部分” ( -- 乔治F.威尔) 展开词组习语



time 可数名词“次数” 不可数名词“时间”
1.on time按时
2.in time 及时
3.from time to time 有时
4.in on time=right now 立刻
5.all the time=all the way 一直
6.next time 下次,last time 上次
7.time after time=over and over 一次又一次
8.one upon a time 从前
9.at a time 每次
10.at no time=vnever 从未
