




奥黛丽赫本的辉煌一生英文概括:In the 20th century, Audrey Hepburn changed the universally recognized definition of beauty with radical attitude and absolute courage. Without losing the elegance of women, her dress is integrated with the neutral style of boys. She makes women free and easy, rather than just a weak and slim body. 

As a film actor, Hepburn's film works reflect her fashion taste, and her modeling in the film is branded with the fashion label of "Hepburn style".

The fresh short hair in Roman holiday, the sleeveless white thorn dress in Sabina, the black cocktail dress in Tiffany's breakfast, the classic round frame sunglasses in mystery, and the exquisite wide brimmed hat in my fair lady are all classic elements in the history of fashion and have a profound impact on people's aesthetic ideas.





Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Belgium. AfterWWII, she went to a ballet school in London and began a modeling career. Latershe headed to the US and gained immediate prominence with her role in RomanHoliday in 1953.

Audrey reached the pinnacle of her career when sheplayed Holly Golightly in the delightful film Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961.

In 1988, Audrey became a special ambassador to theUnited Nations UNICEF.

She had made a total of 31 high quality movies. Herelegance and style will always be remembered in film history.

根据 IMDB 奥黛丽赫本简历精简整理,97个单词。
