《阿尔卑斯山的少女》又名《小莲的故事》日本动画大师宫崎骏又一巨作!从1974.1.6至1974.12.29播出,共52话。该片取材于秀兰-邓波的电影《海蒂》!小莲——一个来自阿尔卑斯山的小姑娘,小丸子一样的活泼可爱、小新一样的机灵幽默。活泼可爱的小姑娘小莲,自小与性格古怪但充满爱心的爷爷居住在美丽的阿尔卑斯山。小莲有一个经常在一起玩耍的朋友小豆子,他们在幽深神秘的阿尔卑斯山里经历了许多趣事。后来,小莲被姨妈送到城里一个富人家,她成了病中的小芬的知心伙伴,小莲在这个原本沉闷的家庭时,弄出了一连串滑稽有趣的事来,连严厉古板的家庭教师也因小莲的童心稚趣而变得亲切。小芬跟小莲回到了阿尔卑斯山,生活发生了意想不到的奇妙变化…… 本片秉承宫崎骏卡通电影的一贯风格。精致优美的卡通画面、曲折生动的故事情节。阿尔卑斯山壮丽迷人的四季风光如在眼前,令人感觉美不胜收。
"Girl of the Alps," also known as "The Story of Xiao Lian," Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki to make another huge! 1974.1.6 from 1974.12.29 to broadcast a total of 52 words. The film based on Shirley - Temple of the movie "Heidi"! Xiao Lian - a girl from the Alps, the small ball, like the lovely, small, like the new clever humor. The lovely and lively little girl Xiao Lian, from an early age and eccentric personality, but caring grandfather living in the beautiful Alps. Xiao Lian often have a play with a friend Xiao Douzi, in the mysterious deep in the mountains of the Alps has gone through a number of interesting. Later, Xiao Lian aunt was in town to a rich family, she has become a disease of the Xiaofen intimate partners, Xiao Lian of bored in the original family, come up with a series of interesting and funny things, even the old-fashioned strict Xiaolian also tutor young child's interest and become cordial. Xiaofen with Xiaolian returned to the Alps, the lives of unexpected changes in the wonderful film ... ... carry a cartoon film Hayao Miyazaki's style. Exquisite beauty of the cartoon images, lively twists and turns of the story. Alps charming magnificent scenery in front of the four seasons, the feeling is beautiful.
In fact, most see the whole thing is animation master Hayao Miyazaki's work. Incidental way, had to admire the Japanese anime instry, has affected the generation after generation, and will continue to further impact. However, Hayao Miyazaki's animated movies are movies, or difficult to appear in the "TV child" inside the field of vision, only a profound impact on the work of Hayao Miyazaki's drama is only a central player in the "Alps The girl, "I read in kindergarten. CCTV version of the female voice from Liu Yan, classic feel, and I do versions of the collection is the Taiwan version, and some can not help but regret.
Seen the film works more, there are many classic, directed by Hayao Miyazaki classics such as independence, "Feng Zhigu" and "sequence", "Kiki's Delivery Service" and "Princess Mononoke" and "Spirited Away" "Al's Moving Castle", co-director or procer as the "City" and "Tomb of Firefly," "fairy tale years."
Try to recall that Japan animation of how it affects our childhood it? Story? Definition? Music?
Hayao Miyazaki's works have met all the advantages of Japanese animation, at the same time into its own characteristics. For children, there is no brain size and advocates harmony between man and nature and even love is like the concept, such as "Laputa", "Feng Zhigu," "Hall of the Moving Castle", which Films are often mixed up with the alt audience too much of a sense of community. I do not deny that take into account the number of Hayao Miyazaki the alt audience, many of the film even beyond the comprehension of a child, such as the "years of fairy tales." But all this is not the most important, whether it is realistic works of Hayao Miyazaki or illusory, and reflects the carrying forward of the most pristine nature of most of the United States.
"Feng Zhigu" the female lead in the protection of animals and risk one's life (monster?), "Sequence" in the sincere love and sisters, "Laputa
"There's friendship and love combined with the dim," Spirited Away "to save the brave parents," Kiki's Delivery Service "Kiki's inside the small unswerving self-cultivation, and so on and so forth, from which it reflects the character of good quality, in fact, Have crossed the boundaries of alts and children, "the beauty of goodness" of the closely linked. In fact, the play's characters are not beautiful, whether it's "time fairy tale" of the alt female or a "sequence" in the 67-year-old sister and even smaller, different people have been the traditional concept of beauty in the cartoon, Makes the audience from the very beginning, ruled out the visual bias to be able to experience an in-depth story.
Even though some of the connotations of the film a bit heavy and deep, not just the animation for children, but simple and concise language has infiltrated every people, the beauty of film music has become sought after target audience. Even if it is only through the film's soundtrack album can not help but make the listener in mind that outlines the painting beautiful scenes of fantasy films.
Hayao Miyazaki's "sequence", "Spirited Away" and "Laputa", "Feng Zhigu" and other works, is particularly sought after and Lively films, is valuable as the "Feng Zhigu" In the 1984 release of old films, still touched by the many people who have to be Japanese animation film in the history of an eye-catching bright spot.
Art from life, than life, to realize that in reality, unattainable dream, and the animation should be a dream come true is an art of the extreme right. Hayao Miyazaki's animation world, is in an extreme way to achieve the impossible for a large number of audience in the ideal and the reality of the unreal experience of ecstasy, triggered memories of childhood and foreign unlimited reverie, the soul Shock - can not stop.