5.17 FAQ-356 How do I reset my graph or worksheet template to default settings?
Last Update: 1/3/2019
Every window (workbook, graph, matrix, etc.) in your Origin project is created from a specific window template. In a new Origin installation, all templates are "built-in" templates. When you customize a graph or worksheet and save customizations to a template file, you have the option of saving the file using the name of the built-in template. When you do this, the file is written to your User Files Folder and this template then becomes the default. Going forward, when you click the corresponding toolbar button or menu command, you call this custom template.
If at some point, you wish to roll back to the settings in the built-in template, you will have to remove or delete your custom template from your User Files Folder.
Select Preference: Options from menu. In the Options dialog, activate System Path tab.
Select User Files Folder item and click Copy.
Open Windows Browser and paste the UFF path in the address bar. This will go to UFF.
Locate the graph templates (.otpu, .otp), or worksheet templates (.otwu, .otw) you want to delete. Delete them.
This will restore the built-in template as the default template.
就是打开origin之后,tools->options->system path里找到User Files Folder的路径然后点copy;之后打开window的文件资源管理器粘贴路径打开这个文件夹,在这个文件夹里搜索otwu,就会出来这个有这个拓展名的所有文件,也就是worksheet模板,把它们都删掉,再重新打开origin的时候就是新建的系统默认格式worksheet了,看清楚再删,亲测有效,而且是根本上解决问题的方法。
在图层窗口(右半部分窗口)右键File→New→选择workbook→最下端NAME下拉选择ORIGIN→set default→OK,之后再新建就都是默认的了,刚摸索出来的绝对好使!