毕业 Graation
Graation is a time of moving on, further
studies, or out into the society? There are a lot of choices which we
are supposed to make and we are emotional at the graation season.
What’s more, we usually have a variety of activities about graation,
such as taking photos, having a class party, leaving words to each other
in our memory collections, exchanging gifts between friends to memorize
our friendship, giving teacher presents to express our thanks.
词,留在大家的记忆深处,在朋友之间互换礼物来铭记大家的友谊,给老师礼物来表达我们的感谢.However, we have mixed
emotions about farewell. We want to spend more time having fun and
working with each other, but we have to move on. Facing many choices
about our future makes us confused; meanwhile the coming farewell makes
us sentimental. As long as these feelings come along, we have to deal
with it. We should know that after graation we will learn more and be
more experienced. Being apart with our friends and classmates is
temporary, next time we meet each other, we will live a better life and
share our different colorful experiences with each
开都是暂时的,下次我们见面,我们会过上更好的生活,分享彼此丰富多彩的经验.Graation will come sooner or
later whether we are ready or not. Let’s make great efforts for our