TPO难度分析: 缩写:AC: academic conversation; L: lecture
TPO 1 Average
L1 How to use library resources problem Easy
L2 Realistic impressionism (Art: painting) comparison (AC) Average
L3 Uranium- lead dating (Geology/ Chemistry) process (Lecture) Average
L4 An observed class event Average
L5 Mexican Neolithic site: Çatalhöyük (Archeology/ Anthropology) description (L) Difficult
L6 Marmots behavior comparison (Biology) cause & comparison (AC) Easy
TPO 2 Easy
L1 research project discussion event
L2 Laryngeal habits: the relationship between muscle activity and thinking (Psychology) category (AC) Difficult
L3 Manila hemp (Biology) cause & process (L) Easy
L4 Poetry club & study preparation event Easy
L5 Aristotle’s ethical theory: happiness (Philosophy) category (L) Easy
L6 Bode’s Law (Astronomy) definition & history (AC) Easy
TPO 3 Average
L1 Physic class has been canceled problem Average
L2 Rection of hummingbird’s habitat (Biology) cause & effect (L) Average
L3 French underwater filmmaker (Art: film) comparison (AC) Easy
L4 Job application/ content event Average
L5 How did we determine the oldest cave art (Art: painting) description & cause (L) Difficult (词汇)
L6 Spectroscopy (Astronomy/ Chemistry) process & definition (AC) Difficult (词汇)
L1 library resources discussing event/ problem Average
L2 Displacement activity (Biology) category & comparison (AC) Average
L3 Emerson’s philosophy (Philosophy) category (L) Easy
L4 Difficulties of a project Event
L5 Rock moving (Geology) category (L) Average
L6 Government support to art (Government) history (AC) Easy
L1 Adjustment to new life problem
L2 Meme (Sociology) category (L) Easy
L3 Moon crater (Astronomy/ Geology) (AC) Difficult
L4 How be qualified in the film class Problem Average
L5 Spectroscopy (Chemistry) definition & process (L) Difficult
L6 Fairy tale vs. folktale (Literature) definition & comparison (AC) Easy
L1 Career fair Problem
L2 Tulipmania (Economics) cause & history (L) Difficult
L3 Nightcap Oak (Biology) cause (AC) Average
L4 Term paper Problem
L5 Creating Writing (Literature) process (L) Difficult
L6 Sahara climate change (Climate) cause (AC) Average
L1 Volunteering to organize farewell party Event Average
L2 Well-made drama (Literature) category (L) Average
L3 Ultrasound & Bats (Biology) cause (AC) Difficult
L4 Library Event
L5 Usage of birch tree (Biology) listing & effect (AC) Average
L6 Glacial movement (Geology) category & process (L) Average
TPO 8 2008年12月21日Average
L1 Graation requirement Problem Average
L2 Bird’s habitat choosing (Biology) cause & effect (AC) Average
L3 French female salon (Art: Painting) history & causality (L) Average
L4 Class review Event Easy
L5 Vision correction history (History) history (L) Average/ Difficult
L6 Element periodic table (Chemistry) (AC) Difficult
TPO 9 Difficult
L1 Career path & term paper topic Event Difficult
L2 Loutherbourg’s Theatric Invention (Art: Theater) history & description (L) Average
L3 Increasing spreading of shrub in tundra (Climate/ Geology) causality (AC) Difficult
L4 Recalling book problem Easy
L5 Empty Quarter (Geology) description (L) Difficult
L6 Animal communication vs. language (Linguistics/ Biology) comparison (AC) Average
TPO 10 2008年6月7日Average
L1 how to get her photographs exhibited problem Easy
L2 Whale evolution (Biology) listing (L) Difficult
L3 American food spread to Europe (Biology/ Government) history (AC) Average
L4 Returning a book to bookshop problem Easy
L5 Phosphorus circle (Chemistry/ Environment) process (AC) Average
L6 Child amnesia (Psychology) cause (L) Difficult
TPO 11 Easy
L1 Gym pass & swimming class problem & solution Average
L2 Distraction displays (Biology) category (L) Easy
L3 Cape Cod House (Architecture) cause (AC) Average
L4 Job invitation event Average
L5 Wetland changing (Climate) effect (AC) Difficult
L6 Key elements of advertisement (Economics) category (L) Easy
TPO 12 Easy
L1 Refine the paper problem Average
L2 Aging problem of human cell (Biology) cause (L) Difficult
L3 MBWA (Economics) category (AC) Easy
L4 Delayed check problem Easy
L5 Opera history (Art: Music) history (L) Average
L6 Solar energy development (Physics) history & cause (AC) Easy
TPO 13 2006年6月9日Easy
L1 Difficulty on understanding assignment problem
L2 Pedestrian mall (Economics) category & cause (L) Average
L3 Interrelationship in Ecology system (Biology/ Environment) causality (AC) Average
L4 Reserve a study in library problem
L5 Chanson vs. Romance (Literature) comparison (AC) Easy
L6 Types of meteoroids (Astronomy) category & comparison (L) Average
TPO 14 Average
L1 Finding a book/ reserve rule/ job apply problem/ event Difficult
L2 Cognition process (psychology) category (L) Average/ Easy
L3 Microclimate (biology) cause & process (AC) Average
L4 Reporting career plan event Difficult
L5 Polynesian navigation approach (astronomy) cause (location convenience) & definition Difficult
English passage graves (archeology) listing Average
TPO 15 2009年5月9日Difficult
L1 Require a job problem Average
L2 Brain ability to handle distraction cause & process (AC) Average
L3 Geologic epoch (Geology)
L4 Sports, time management & study event Difficult
L5 History of parchment (Art: printing) history (L) Difficult
L6 Organism living in deep ocean (Biology) cause Difficult
TPO 16 2008年3月2日
L1 Complain decoration noise problem Average
L2 Formation of limestone cave (Geology) Difficult
L3 Influence of piano (Art: Music) history Average
L4 Postpone the test problem Average
L5 Animal behavior: making decision (Biology) Category/ Reason Easy
L6 Stained glass history (Art) History Average
TPO 听力整体的难度都是接近托福考试的真实难度的,只是在学托福的过程中做 TPO 最大的意义仅限于熟悉托福考试的题型和难度,并不能从根本上提升个人的能力和成绩,模考软件错误较多,选择经过校对的在线模考更为明智,免费在线模考地址:http://www.langlib.com/Mokao/TOEFL(点击注册登录后再点一次),所有题目都配有详细的解析和笔记,做完生成报告,方便复习查看,助你科学高效备考托福。
【公开课精选】托福听力 30 分真经: http://www.langlib.com/Course/FreeLecture/ShowLecture/1031
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