乘火车 坐飞机 住宿
旅行 journey, trip
旅游 tour
旅行推销员 commercial traveller (美作:traveling salesman)
旅游者 tourist
旅行指南 itinerary
旅行路线 route
游览pleasure trip
商务旅行business trip
出境游 outbound tourism; outbound travel
出境游客 outbound tourist
背包旅行者 backpacker
自由行 free walker
环程旅行 circular tour
往返旅行 return journey; round trip
单程旅行 outward journey
套餐游;包办游 package tour; inclusive tour
远足 excursion; outing
探险 expedition
旅行支票 traveller's cheque
旅游散客 independent traveler
旅游团 tour group
度假区 holiday resort
票 ticket
票价 fare
单程票 single ticket
往返票 round-trip ticket; return ticket
半票 half-price ticket
乘火车 Take the train
铁路 railway (美作:railroad)
轨道 track
火车 train
铁路系统 railway system, railway network
特快车 express train
快车 fast train
直达快车 through train
慢车 stopping train, slow train
游览列车 excursion train
市郊列车 commuter train, suburban train
车厢 coach, carriage
卧铺 sleeper
餐车 dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car
双层卧铺车 sleeper with couchettes
铺位 berth, bunk
上行车 up train
下行车 down train
行李车厢 luggage van, baggage car
车站大厅 station hall
收票员 ticket-collector, gateman
月台,站台 platform
站台票 platform ticket
小卖部 buffet
候车室 waiting room
行李暂存处 left-luggage office
列车员 car attendant, train attendant
列车长 guard, conctor
行李架 rack, baggage rack
在(某地)换车 to change trains at...
在(某时)到达 the train is e at...
乘飞机 Take the flight
护照 passport
签证 visa
证件 papers
安全通行证 safe-conct, pass
起飞 take off
落地 touch down
登记牌 boarding pass
办理登机手续 check in
候机室 departure lounge
航班号 flight number
国际抵达处 international arrival
国内抵达处 domestic arrival
航站楼 terminal
行李 Luggage
推行李车 luggage barrow
私人用品 personal effects
团体行李 group baggage
行李票 claim tag
行李牌 handbag tag
行李标签 label
行李房 luggage office
行李搬运车 baggage train
航运收据 airway bill
手提行李 hand luggage
住宿 Accommodation
旅馆 hotel
汽车旅馆 motel
提供一夜住宿和早餐的旅馆 B&B
青年招待所 youth hostel
豪华饭店 luxury hotel
公寓旅馆 residential hotel
寄宿公寓 boardinghouse
空房 vacant room
套房 suite
旅馆大厅 lobby
旅馆登记薄 hotel register
登记 check-in
结帐 check-out
预定房间 reservation
行李托管证 baggage check
接待 reception
登记表 registration form
单人房间 single room
双人房间 double room
门房 porter
侍者 bellboy
清理房间的女服务员 chambermaid
餐厅领班 headwaiter
半膳 half board
全膳 full board
在一家旅馆住宿 to put up at a hotel
订房间 to book a room
旅游景点 tourist attraction;tourist destination;scenic spot;places of tourist attraction
自然景观 natural splendor/attraction
避暑胜地 summer resort
国家公园 national park
出土文物 unearthed cultural relics
古建筑群 ancient architectural complex
陵墓 emperor's mausoleum/tomb
古墓 ancient tomb
洞穴 cave
石笋 stalagmite
钟乳石 stalactite
石窟 grotto
坛 altar
亭 pavilion
台 terrace
廊 corridor
楼 tower; mansion
庵 Buddhist nunnery
江河湖泊 rivers and lakes
池潭 ponds and pools
堤 causeway
舫 boat
榭 pavilion;house on a terrace
水榭 waterside pavilion/house
琉璃瓦 glazed tile
城堡 castle
教堂 church;cathedral
宫殿 palace;hall;chamber
皇城 imperial city
行宫 temporary imperial palace for brief stays
御花园 imperial garden
皇太后 empress dowager
四大金刚 the Four Guardians
十八罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha
甲骨文 inscription on oracle bones
青铜器 bronze ware
景泰蓝 cloisonne enamel
手工艺品 artifact;handicrafts
苏绣 Suzhou embroidery
唐三彩 tricolor-glazed pottery;ceramics of the Tang Dynasty
字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy and painting
国画 traditional Chinese painting
文房四宝 the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study including writing brushes,ink sticks,inkstones and paper
工艺精湛,独具匠心 exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design
湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills
依山傍水 enclosed/surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other
景色如画 picturesque views
湖石假山 lakeside rocks and rockeries
山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters
诱人景色 inviting views
园林建筑 garden architecture
佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountain
丝绸之路 the Silk Road/Route