




I have 4 years work experience which involved in the various projects and accumulated lots of experience on this aspect.
First, I know my own faults, and I feel what shortage, and I will be constantly to improve.
Second, I have found my own advantages, and how to use my own advantages to work.
Third, Team spirit.
1. I have experience of B/S structure of software testing, and I also understand basic theory and management database
2 I can write test plan independently and test cases, perform tests and defect tracking, regression testing, and writing for test report.
3. I am familiar with using equivalence class, boundary value, causality diagram were black box testing
4. I am familiar with QTP test automation tool, Loadrunner performance test tools
5. I am also master defect management tool software environment, m. Windows XP

Software environment: Windows XP
Development tools: Java, Eclipse, the Oracle
Project description: the whole process of vehicle maintenance, the customer service department, by appointment for registration, and maintenance, etc.
Testers: 2 people


Four years work experience, involved in the various projects and accumulated a certain amount of experience.
First, know their faults, feel what shortage, constantly to improve.
Second, found their own advantages, and how to use their own advantages to work.
Third, team spirit.
1. B/S structure of software testing work experience, understand basic theory and management database
2 write test plan independently and test cases, perform tests and defect tracking, regression testing, test report writing
3. Familiar with using equivalence class, boundary value, causality diagram were black box testing
4. Familiar with QTP test automation tool, Loadrunner performance test tools
5. Master defect management tool software environment, m. Windows XP

Software environment: Windows XP
Development tools: Java, Eclipse, the Oracle
Project description: the whole process of vehicle maintenance, the customer service department, by appointment for registration, and maintenance, etc.
Testers 2 people


4 godine radnog iskustva, sudjelovanje u različitim projektima tijekom razdoblja, akumulirana neka iskustva u stvarnoj borbi. Prvo, razumjeti svoje nedostatke, koji osjeća neadekvatnim za kontinuirano poboljšanje. Drugo, otkrijte svoje snage, kako koristiti svoje snage za rad. Treće, jača timski h. 1. B / S struktura softver testiranje iskustvo, razumijevanje osnovnih teorija baza podataka i upravljanja 2. Sposoban za samostalno pripremanje testa planova i test slučajeva, test izvršenje i praćenje kvara, testiranje regresija, pisanje izvješća o ispitivanju3. Upoznat s korištenjem ekvivalencije klasa, rubni metode kao što su crno-box testiranje uzroka i posljedice dijagram 4. Upoznat s automatizirani alati za testiranje QTP, Suvremene metode ispitivanja Alati Loadrunner 5. Uhvatite alat za upravljanje defekata za M Software Okoliš: Windows XP Softver Okoliš: Windows XP Tools : Java, Eclipse, Oracle Opis projekta: cijeli proces održavanja vozila, imenovanje pokrenula klijent aplikacija, servisa za kupce, registraciju i održavanje, naselja. Tester 2



Four years work experience, involved in the various projects and accumulated a certain amount of experience.
First, know their faults, feel what shortage, constantly to improve.
Second, found their own advantages, and how to use their own advantages to work.
Third, team spirit.
1. B/S structure of software testing work experience, understand basic theory and management database
2 write test plan independently and test cases, perform tests and defect tracking, regression testing, test report writing
3. Familiar with using equivalence class, boundary value, causality diagram were black box testing
4. Familiar with QTP test automation tool, Loadrunner performance test tools
5. Master defect management tool software environment, m. Windows XP

Software environment: Windows XP
Development tools: Java, Eclipse, the Oracle
Project description: the whole process of vehicle maintenance, the customer service department, by appointment for registration, and maintenance, etc.
Testers 2 people


i have 4-year experience,ring which i participated various project and accumulated some practical experience.

first: know my shortcomings,and constantly improve them.

second: know my advantages, and apply them in my work.

third: strong sense of team spirit.
1. working experience with software test in B/S structure, understanding basic theory of database and management.
2. being able to write test plan and test use case,execute tests and follow the test,back to the test,write report on tests independently.
3.being familiar with black box test in methods such as equivalence class,boundary value and cause-effect graph.
4.being familiar with the automatical test tool QTP and the performance test tool Loadrunner.
5.grasping the drawback management tool M working environment for the software: Windows XP
working environment for the software: Windows XP
development tools: Java,Eclipse,Oracle
project description: the whole process for repairing vehicles, the clients launch the application for appointment, register on the department of customer service, and the customer service department repair and settle the account.
test controllers: 2
