




i didn't come here to rescue rambo from you.

i come here to rescue you from rambo.
mission ……accomplished!

you know there's more men out there.
you know where they are.find them or i'll find you.
you must not judge us before you understand why we are not ready to help.
most of the afghan people are very strong.
and we are determinded not be driven from our land.
our children die of disease,mines and poison gas.
and the woman are raped and killed.
last year , in the valley of laghman,the next valley,six thousand afhans were killed.
pregnant women were cut with bayonets,and their babies thrown into the fires.

this is done ,so they will not have to fight the next generation of afhans.
yet nobody sees anything or reads anything in the papers.
what you see here are the Mojahedeens soldiers holy warriors.
to us ,this war is a holy war.
and there's no true death for a Mojahedeens.
because we have taken our last rites.
we consider ourselves dead already.
to us ,death for our land and God is an honor.
so my friend,what we must do is to stop this killling of our women and children.
if getting this man free,so he can return to the free world,and tell what happens here is necessary.
then of couse,we will help.
leave us now.so we may speak among ourselves,and find the best way to free this man
maybe you've lost your faith in people.
but you still must be faithful to something.
you must still care about something.
maybe wo can't change what it is.
but trying to save a life isn't wasting your life。
you know what you are ,what you're made of.
war is in your blood.
don't fight it.
you didn't kill for your country.
you killed for yourself.
the gods are nerver gonna make that go away.
when you're pushed,killing's as easy as breathing.
-what do you want?
-i need you help.
-if someone see you ,we both will die.coming back here is so dangerous.did you find her?
-she's dead.
-i'm sorry.i really am.i know how you feel.but coming back was dangerous.why are you here?
-i wanna find the thin one.the one that cut her.
-i will not help you again.
-you have to.
-why i have to?what will it change?nothing.we greve and move on.
-and you've done that.
-i mean, i think of her every day every *ing day.but we have to move on.
-what if you can't move on?
-but you have to.we have no choice.what's done is done.
-why is it done?how is it ever done?when i look at something so innocent and i see that face never has life in it again,how is it ever done?i want revenge.i want them to know that death is coming,and there's nothing they can do to stop it.i want them to feel our grief and know that's the last thing they will ever feel.and i know you want it too.






就此罢手 否则我让你见识难以置信的战争



他也死了, 在越南时,他就死了, 只是他自己还不知道...



live for nothing ,dead for something.


