造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、All this scuttle butt was laughed off as nonsense.(这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。)
2、Torsional rigidity is vital to minimise the scuttle shake associated with most convertible cars and to help maintain the car's dynamic composure.(对于大多数敞篷车,扭转刚性对减小风挡振动和保持动态稳定性特别重要。)
3、I have heard here that we British are planning to scuttle Roundup.(我在这里听说我们英国人正在着手破坏“围捕”计划。)
4、Speaking of Rudy: scuttle is that on the bus there is open talk coming loss.(鲁迪说:该是打开天窗来谈谈就到来的损失了。)
5、Twice he brought in his walking stick, and once he brought in the coal scuttle.(有两次他把他的拐杖带进去,而有一次他带进去一个媒斗。)
6、As I picked up the second scuttle by the handles and tried to shovel the coke up off the floor, the mountain began to move.(当我握住第二个煤斗的把柄,并尽力将焦炭从地上铲起来时,这座煤山开始移动起来。)
7、The cute animals scuttle from one side of the road to the other and pop out of drains in order to avoid being hit by traffic.(这些可爱的小动物从马路的一头飞跑到另一头,再从排水道钻出来,以免被过路的车撞到。)
8、An adversarial or uncooperative attitude can easily scuttle any positive results and plunge the discussion into pointless hostility.(对抗或不合作的态度可以很容易地破坏任何积极的结果,并投入到毫无意义的带有敌意的讨论。)
9、But if they scuttle Mr Obama's nominee, he will simply name another.(但如果他们把奥巴马的候选名单刷下,那奥巴马只是简单地换名字就可以了。)
10、Syngenta's board said at the time that Monsanto's bid did not account for the risk that regulators would scuttle the deal.(当时先正达的董事会表示,孟山都的收购要约没有考虑监管机构否决交易的风险。)
11、One state's regulators can scuttle a regional plan.(一个州的监管者可以搅黄一个区域计划。)
12、I try to build social bookmarking site using scuttle.(我试图建立的社会书签网站使用的天窗。)
13、He wondered what to do about the boat. Ideally he would scuttle it, but he might be seen doing so.(他想这条船怎样处理呢?最好将它凿沉,但这样做很可能被人看见。)
14、It was almost seven in the morning. There was one more obstacle: Netanyahu was threatening to scuttle the whole deal unless I released Pollard.(快到早上7点时,还剩下一个障碍:内塔尼亚胡威胁说,如果我不放了波拉德,他就放弃整个协议。)
15、Such threats could scuttle the peace conference.(这样的威胁可能会破坏和平会议。)
16、An arched marble fireplace held its little basket of red flameless heat, and hand-painted coal-scuttle stood on the hearth.(一个半圆形的大理石壁炉燃烧着一小盆没有火焰的通红的炉火,炉边放着一只用手工涂着绘画的煤斗。)
17、If the old school scold sold the school coal scuttle, the school should scold And scuttle the old school scold.(如果学校守旧派卖掉了学校的煤斗,学校将责骂并解散学校守旧派。)
18、Basically use at window of housetop scuttle, balcony.(主要用于屋顶天窗、阳台窗。)
19、Even if its fighters scuttle to the mangrove swamps, they are likely to be picked off as they emerge.(即使他们的战士们逃到红树林沼泽地带,他们也很可能一露面就被擒获。)
20、Thinking optimistically, it is just possible that all this flimflam is actually a cunning plan to scuttle the shuttle once and for all.(乐观地想的话,有可能所有这些鬼话实际上是一劳永逸地破坏太空飞船的狡猾计划。)
21、BET with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrin Employed a Fact to visit me and scuttle my Balloon!(我和吹来的每阵风打赌,直到自然着恼派遣一个事实来拜访我,我的气球飞走了!)
22、Others result merely in slower growth, as borrowers stop spending and lenders scuttle for cover.(有的会随着借款者停止花钱和放款者停止放贷而仅仅带来增长的放缓。)
23、Unfortunately, this is another promise that is more likely to scuttle a relationship than shore it up.(不幸地是,这是另一个破坏而不是支持关系的承诺。)
24、When he came back after removing the coal scuttle, Tommy Brock was lying a little more sideways;(当他移走了煤斗后回来,汤米獾躺得更靠近床边一点;)
25、scuttle would be played by BILLY EICHNER.(比利·艾克纳将扮演斯卡特。)
26、And past it scuttle a pair of uniformed women, diligently sweeping already spotless slabs of concrete.(越过石头,两个身穿制服的女人在来回奔忙,勤勉地清扫着已然一尘不染的水泥地面。)
27、it is its capacity to hold error rather than scuttle it that makes the distributed being fertile ground for learning, adaptation, and evolution.(正是其容纳错误而非杜绝错误的能力,使分布式存在成为学习、适应和进化的沃土。)
28、In one hand she was carrying a coal scuttle, in the other a box of briquets.(她一只手里拿着个煤斗,另一只手里拿着煤饼箱。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。