造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Four years after Heysel, Liverpool was again involved in a horrendous crush at a football ground.(海瑟尔惨案才刚过去四年,利物浦又卷入了另一场骇人听闻的球场意外。)
2、"While tourism has many advantages to offer the South Pole, the increasing influx causes horrendous pollution," he said.(“虽然提供南极游的旅游业得到许多好处,但是日益涌入的人流却导致了惊人的污染。”他说。)
3、Even so, the shock was horrendous.(即使这样,还是让人很震惊。)
4、The previous quarter's horrendous fall was itself revised downward by more than two percentage points, to an annualised 14.4%.(数据修订时自己又给前一个季度的骇人跌幅加上超过两个百分点,年度下跌达到14.4%。)
5、Another area of truly horrendous waste in the Internet marketing arena is the failure to capture opt-ins.(在线营销中的另一个存在巨大浪费的地方是没有把那些潜在的消费者变成真正的客户。)
6、Spain's figures are particularly horrendous. But youth unemployment is rising perniciously across much of the developed world.(西班牙的数据尤其令人发憷,但青年失业率不断上升也在大多数发达国家恶性蔓延。)
7、As a pathologist and former meat inspector, I believe my colleagues when they report horrendous injuries to rodeo cattle.(作为一个病理学者和前肉类检查员,我相信我的同事们对竞技秀中的牛所受的可怕的伤害的报告。)
8、He described it as the most horrendous experience of his life.(他把那件事形容为他生活中最恐怖的经历。)
9、As Google's security specialists kept looking, they found even more horrendous consequences.(就在Google的信息安全专家持续观察研究时,他们发现了更可怕的后果。)
10、But its impact was still horrendous to behold, and came after a few days when nature had wreaked havoc across Asia.(但其影响看上去仍令人毛骨悚然,几天后,一旦大自然发威,横扫亚洲,冲击就来了。)
11、Painting, laying out on the beach, and other non time-based activities are considered a horrendous sin against productivity.(你认为画画,在沙滩上躺着,和其它非基于时间的活动是无效率的可怕罪恶。)
12、Hopefuls have until April 7 to apply for the "horrendous assignment" -- as the company teasingly calls it -- which starts mid-May.(这项“可怕的任务”——公司如此称呼——报名截止为4月7日,任务开始于五月中旬。)
13、WaMu hopes the injection will help it through a horrendous year; loan losses for the first quarter alone will be $1.4 billion.(华互银行希望此次注资能帮助银行在未来一年里顺利渡过难关。仅第一季度该行贷款损失预计将达到14亿美元。)
14、We had to make just horrendous choices, "said Sagan."(“我们不得不做出一个可怕的决定。”萨甘说。)
15、Some parents say their children are still suffering horrendous effects from tainted milk.(一些家长说,他们的孩子依然饱受着毒牛奶之苦。)
16、In the past few days, hundreds of thousands of people in Japan have lived through horrendous disasters and are now homeless.(过去的几天里,日本成百上千的人们经历了恐怖的灾难,现在无家可归。)
17、On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots.(除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。)
18、And the rate of growth in some countries is horrendous.(而且在一些国家,感染人数的增长率还有点吓人。)
19、So after two particularly nasty and horrendous deaths, Simba finally becomes the lion king.(于是,在经历了两桩格外肮脏恐怖的命案后,辛巴终于成为了狮子王。)
20、Hopefuls had until April 7 to apply for the "horrendous assignment" — as the company teasingly calls it — which starts mid-May.(有望录取的夫妇要在4月7日之前申请“可怕的任务”——这是公司对指派任务戏谑的叫法——从五月中旬开始。)
21、So that's the reason why this semimajor axis is indeed such a horrendous number.(这就是为什么半长轴是,如此大的数字的原因。)
22、So after a horrendous ordeal, my wife felt it better to end our lives and why leave our children in someone's else's hands.(于是在痛苦的折磨之后,我老婆觉得最好是结束我们的生命,也不能把孩子留给别人。)
23、We can do far more than we think to improve our odds of preventing and surviving even the most horrendous of catastrophes.(甚至在最可怕的灾难面前,我们也可以比想象中做得更多,以提高我们预防和生存的概率。)
24、it came about after two horrendous murders of girls by people who had committed previous crimes.(导致这部法律的是两起骇人听闻的谋杀女孩事件,犯罪分子有前科。)
25、He presented Albert with a rat, and every time the baby reached out to touch it, Watson hit a steel bar with a hammer to produce a horrendous clang.(他给艾伯特一只小鼠,每当小艾试图触摸它时,沃森都会用锤子敲击一根铁棒以发出一种可怕的声响。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。