

2022-05-03 来源:哗拓教育

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The article also points out that this is at least the second elixir of eternal youth that has been 'discovered' in the last few months.(文章也指出,这是在过去几个月里第二次发现的能使青春永驻的灵丹妙药。)

2、Yet it hardly constitutes the discovery of an aqueous elixir.(然它很难构成水万能药的发现。)

3、The heavens have opened and the precious elixir of Life is pouring forth upon all Creation.(天堂已经敞开而生命的珍贵炼金药也正向所有造物倾注而下。)

4、No one at the Source, a crowded Toledo job bank and training center, sees the glass industry as an elixir for 11%-plus joblessness.(没有人在Source,托莱多这个拥挤的工作银行的训练中心,认为玻璃工业能永远保持11%的事业情况。)

5、The search for an elixir of life has taken people to some strange places. Few, though, are stranger than rotifers.(寻长寿不老秘方的研究已经将人们带领到一些未知领域,而这些领域不会比轮虫更陌生。)

6、Yet, attention has shifted from the crisis to the elixir of liquidity.(然而,大家的注意力都从此次危机转移到流动性政策这颗万灵丹上。)

7、Music, for Casals, was an elixir that made life a never ending adventure.(音乐,对于他来说,是使他的生命成为一个没有结局的冒险之旅的万能药。)

8、One website hawks a "trust elixir," an oxytocin-laced perfume that its manufacturers say will make its wearers seem more trustworthy to others -and vice versa.(有个网站打出了“相信这灵丹妙药,”一家催生素相关的香水制造商也吆喝着,用户可以更加让人信赖---反之同样。)

9、By combining a common bottle of Wine and Varham's Aqua Vitae, you can create an elixir to bring back your energy, and make you a more formidable opponent!(通过混合一瓶普通的“酒”以及“瓦汉白兰地”,你就可以创造出一种灵药来恢复你的活力,令你成为一个更加可怕的对手!)

10、All these are merely the bottles carrying his mysterious elixir.(所有这些不过是装灵丹妙药的玻璃瓶。)

11、It's not the air, it's healing elixir!(这不是空气,它的治疗仙丹!)

12、Broke our hearts love is really only happiness is false. It was thought that The elixir of love... love is just fate placed under a new bureau.(痛彻心扉的爱情是真的,只有幸福是假的。那曾经以为的花好月圆……爱情只是宿命摆下的一个局。)

13、Human growth hormone has also been touted as a restorative elixir, even though research has indicated that it can't turn back the clock.(人体生长激素也被发现是一种起恢复作用的酏,虽然实验表明它也不能将生命时钟倒转。)

14、Rise up! Zanzil's elixir gives you life!(起来吧!赞吉尔的药剂给你生命!)

15、You can now discover a recipe for the elixir of Water Walking with Northrend Alchemy Research.(你可以使用诺森德炼金学研究学习到水上行走药剂的配方。)

16、If nothing else, it has been fun to watch "economic value added" spread like the latest elixir.(如果什么都没有,它一直乐趣观赏“经济增值”的蔓延一样,最新的内丹术。)

17、Don't take water or "elixir" for granted.(不要将水或“圣泉”视为心安理得之物。)

18、Reduced the effect of elixir of Mongoose and elixir of Major Agility.(降低猫鼬药剂与极效敏捷药剂的效果。)

19、He kept the elixir in a box while he went hunting and told his wife not to open it.(当他外出狩猎的时候,他把仙丹放在一个盒子里并且叮嘱嫦娥不要打开它。)

20、This costly and vitamin-packed elixir was mixed before our eyes with liquid nitrogen, creating an instant sorbet with explosive effects on the tongue.(这昂贵和富含维生素的灵丹妙药,在端上来之前加入液氮混合,迅速形成果汁冰糕,在舌头上产生爆炸效应。)

21、Unfortunately, he came back unexpectedly and surprised her holding the elixir.(不巧地是,后羿突然返回家中,意外撞见妻子手拿仙丹的情景。)

22、PRODUCTIVITY growth is the closest economics gets to a magic elixir, especially for ageing advanced economies.(经济学中最像灵丹妙药的莫过于生产率增长,尤其是对步入暮年的发达经济体而言。)

23、Ironically, Shi Huangdi ingested the mixtures in an increasingly desperate search for an elixir that would prolong his life.(讽刺的是,施黄帝摄入的混合物,在一个日益迫切寻求酏将延长他的生命。)

24、what it really means: a magical sparkly elixir applied to the lips, nose, and cheekbones that makes you look like you... if you were half unicorn.(实际上的意思是:一支用来画嘴唇、鼻子和颧骨的神奇彩妆,让你看起来是你……仿佛你有独角兽的血统。)

25、Fish oil may be the true elixir of youth, according to new evidence of itseffect on biological ageing.(生物老化研究的最新结果表明,鱼油也许是永葆青春的不老神药。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


