

2022-05-03 来源:哗拓教育

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The tragedy of "a frog in tepid water" will be more likely to happen in China.(所以温水煮蛙的悲剧很容易在中国上演。)

2、Regularly dip into water - try tepid showers - and carry damp flannels for babies and young children.(要经常泡在水里——可以尝试温水淋浴——并且为你的孩子们特别是婴儿准备湿的法兰绒。)

3、Why has the most devastating natural disaster in recent memory generated such a tepid response from the international community?(记忆里,这场洪水是最近发生的自然灾害中最具毁灭性的,那为什么国际社会的反应却如此不冷不热?)

4、Rapid productivity gains and tepid wage growth have meant relatively fat profits for the corporate sector.(工人生产率的提高和工资的滞涨意味着企业获得了更多利润。)

5、His support for free trade is tepid.(他对自由贸易的的支持是温热的。)

6、But the pace has nonetheless been tepid with unemployment flirting with 10 percent, consumer confidence dim and lending standards restrictive.(但是失业者对这一措施仍然不怎么热情,仅有10%的人偶尔想想,消费者信心暗淡,借款标准受限。)

7、When a rapid rise in the value of the yen battered Japan’s exports last month, Kan’s tepid response did nothing to stem the damage.(在日元的急剧升值和日本的出口矛盾重重的时候,菅直人不温不火的反应并无法阻止危害的产生。)

8、In other words, it's not for the pious, the blindly faithful or those seeking tepid consolation.(换言之,它不是给那些虔诚的、盲信的或者那些寻求温柔安慰的人看的。)

9、Washing the hair in tepid water is better for the follicles with the added bonus of saving money on your bills.(用温水洗头发对毛囊更好,还有个好处就是省水电费。)

10、Despite tepid performance in 2010 investors have remained enthusiastic about macro funds.(尽管宏观基金2010年的业绩差强人意,但投资者仍然趋之若鹜。)

11、The V-shaped recovery cannot be attributed to sales: GDP growth has been tepid.(企业利润的V型复苏并不能归因于它们销售业绩的增长:GDP增长依旧乏力。)

12、However, with the exception of Texas, demand for steel used in infrastructure and construction remained tepid.(然而,与得克萨斯州的异常,在基础设施和建筑用钢材的需求依然不温不火。)

13、Katy Perry pulled the same stunt with her "I Kissed a Girl" song, which is so tepid it's downright laughable.(KatyPerry的歌“ikissedaGirl”就是相同的炒作,她是如此的不温不火,看起来就像彻头彻尾的笑话。)

14、Forecasters have recently downgraded their expectations for next year, seeing tepid growth in overall oil demand.(预测人士不久前已下调了对明年石油需求的预期,认为全球石油需求只会温和增长。)

15、if your child's temperature rises, sponge her down gently with tepid water.(如果你孩子的体温升高,用湿海绵沾温水轻轻地擦洗她。)

16、In the jiangnan silk in elegant voice, you mentioned violet arenaceous crock, slowly sip a mouthful of tepid longjing tea.(在悠雅的江南丝竹声中,你提起紫砂壶,慢慢地呷上一口微温的”龙井”茶。)

17、Most forecasters expect demand to be tepid, with a pullback by the U.S. consumer.(大多数分析人士均预期需求将维持在中等水平,而美国消费者的需求量还会下降。)

18、The French pair, Peugeot and Renault, have been hit by tepid sales, ageing product lines and rising raw-material prices.(微量的销售,老化的生产线以及上涨的原材料价格,三箭齐发,正中法国双雄标致和雷诺。)

19、Stocks fell early Thursday after a report showed improvement in the labor market remains tepid.(报告显示劳动力市场依然没有起色,周四股市早盘下挫。)

20、But the buying proved tepid and turned to net selling in the latter part of 2006, even before the bull market ended in 2007.(但是投资者的买进一直不温不火,甚至还没等到2007年牛市结束,到2006年下半年的时候他们已经转而开始净卖出了。)

21、Now you will never have to drink tepid tea again!(现在你再也不用喝温的茶了!)

22、During the campaign, her support for him was noticeably tepid.(在竞选期间,她对他的支持很明显不温不火。)

23、Reduce temperature through the use of tepid sponge baths or hypothermia mattress.(通过温水擦浴或使用低温床垫降低体温。)

24、The play was greeted with tepid applause.(这台戏只得到了零落的掌声。)

25、Recent warnings from miners Rio Tinto and Alpha Natural Resources of a reversal of orders and tepid US petrol demand are ominous.(力拓公司矿工的近期警告,阿尔法自然资源的订单取消,和美国不温不火的石油需求都是不祥的征兆。)

26、The official American response to Mr Papandreou has been tepid.(美国官方对帕潘德里欧先生的回应一直是不冷不热。)

27、By midday the water would be tepid, but in the chill of dawn it was almost cool and helped her keep her eyes open.(到正午的时候,水就会变暖,而在傍晚时分则会变得很清凉,好让她的眼睛一直保持睁开的状态。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


