Write about the traits and habits of a successful person you admire. He or she does not have to be well-known. If you prefer, you can discuss the topic in more general terms.
Agreement - You should use the word 'assures' as in simple present tense, if the subject is the third person singular, the verb form should be 'verb+ 's' or 'es', e.g.,"..the thing which assures..." whereas you have used 'assure', e.g.,"...the thing which assure..." Missing Word - conjunction: I have added conjunction "and" in the sentence because the conjunction "and" is used to join two words, phrases etc referring to things that are related in some way. e.g.,"...passion, ambition, persistence, competitiveness, pro-activity, and resilience. "
Normally, when we talk about a successful person we admire, we are talking about one's career success. We are admiring one’s good deeds, the influential things being done and ambitious dream being realized. There are millions of successful people in history, and millions in our real world. So, the very intriguing question for us is: What’s the most common and most decisive quality which leads a person to be successful? We may count on those traits: passion, ambition, persistence, competitiveness, pro-activity, and resilience. You name it. All these traits not necessarily bring anyone into the street of success because those traits are intangible and subjective. Everyone, be himself/herself successful or not, may claim that he/she has some of those good characteristics. Where is the thing which assures us success? Here, I stress on the habits, which may somehow be objective, could be measured by time. The first among those habits I would say is enjoying loneliness, which could be measured by your time. How long would you stay just by yourself? In loneliness, you cultivate your mental maturity, strengthen your good personality. In loneliness, you distill essence from your experience and stew wisdom from learned knowledge. Wisdom brings vision for successes%%. Second, enjoying and love studying, which could also be measured by time. How many hours a day you focus on studying? Studying and learning opens your eyes and mind, restrains you from impertinence in words and acts, and, eventually, prepares you for success. Third, focusing on future. A successful person habitually looks and thinks tomorrow, predicts what will happen, expecting things are coming. Be prepared, ready and then become proactive. Habits refines your personality; and the good personality lead you to success.