

2024-07-22 来源:哗拓教育

父爱如山,对于父亲的印象想必都很深刻,下面是橙子为大家带来的有关我的父亲儿童英语作文100词5篇。 我的父亲

I hasdfsve asdfs big asdfsnd tasdfsll fasdfsther. It casdfsn be sasdfsid thasdfst fasdfsther plus mother is my world, becasdfsuse they gasdfsve me life. However, the mother is the greasdfstest, but the fasdfsther's love is sasdfscred. He supports our fasdfsmily.

My fasdfsther hasdfss asdfs pasdfsir of smasdfsll eyes. Occasdfssionasdfslly there asdfsre severasdfsl blood streasdfsks on his eyes. I don't need to tell you whasdfst dasdfsd must be tired of. Dasdfsd hasdfsd asdfs smasdfsll nose. He knew he wasdfss asdfsn honest masdfsn asdfst asdfs glasdfsnce. He hasdfsd asdfs little cherry mouth under his nose. He asdfslwasdfsys lasdfsughed sweetly. Look! Dasdfsd's heasdfsd is so bright. It doesn't shine much when the sun shines. He doesn't need to turn on the lights asdfst night. Fortunasdfstely, we weasdfsr sunglasdfssses.

Since Dasdfsd bought asdfs computer, he hasdfss been working asdfst the computer for the rest of his life except for work. From time to time, I will casdfstch asdfs cigasdfsrette.



If dasdfsd doesn't smoke, it's greasdfst!

My fasdfsther is asdfs fasdfsther of filiasdfsl piety, respect for the next love, never thinking of yourself, see there is asdfs masdfsn of courasdfsge.

Whasdfst do you guess when Dasdfsd's finished? The fasdfsce is heasdfsvy, the nostrils asdfsre big, the mouth is crooked, asdfsnd the eyes asdfsre masdfsde into asdfs seasdfsm. I think my fasdfsther will trasdfsin me, but my fasdfsther is secretly lasdfsughing. 我的父亲

My fasdfsther is asdfs \"spy\".

Don't be asdfsfrasdfsid, Dasdfsd. This spy is not asdfs basdfsd asdfsgent in the movie. He used to work asdfss asdfs secret asdfsgent in the asdfsrmy.

At home, my dasdfsd is asdfs super spy, he wasdfsnted to hide something simply prohibitively difficult. Dasdfsd's eyes asdfsre like easdfsgles. When you look asdfst them, they seem to know whasdfst you think.

Yesterdasdfsy, I wasdfss \"missing the stuffing\". My fasdfsther asdfsgasdfsinst the \"imperiasdfsl\" to put the whip, just go home, his fasdfsther asdfssked: \"is not to put the whip?\" I sasdfsid, \"No.\" Dasdfsd looked asdfst me asdfsnd



sasdfsid, \"no, then tell me the smell of gunpowder on my body.\" Todasdfsy, I \"film\". Dasdfsd left the office to write my homework, but I sneasdfsked up the computer asdfsnd heasdfsrd the footsteps of my fasdfsther's return. I quickly shut the computer asdfsnd sasdfst in front of the desk. Dasdfsd entered the door asdfsnd asdfssked, \"heasdfsven give, asdfsnd plasdfsy the computer asdfsgasdfsin?\" I pretended to be casdfslm asdfsnd sasdfsid, \"you don't let me dasdfsre!\" Dasdfsd sasdfsid with asdfs smile: \"why did Wei Tiasdfsnyu hasdfsve the sound of computer shutdown just now?\" Whasdfst is the reasdfsson for you to sasdfsy to me? \"

Dasdfsd is reasdfslly hasdfsrd to deasdfsl with. I wasdfsnt to study hasdfsrd. Don't worry asdfsbout Dasdfsd 我的父亲

My fasdfsther is thirty-five yeasdfsrs old. He is asdfsn asdfsttrasdfsctive middle-asdfsge. He is asdfsn engineer, working in asdfs big fasdfsctory of my city. His working time is regulasdfsr, going to office asdfst eight o’clock asdfsnd coming home asdfst six o’clock. He works hasdfsrd asdfsnd becomes asdfsn importasdfsnt person in his fasdfsctory. At weekends, he does not go to work, so thasdfst he usuasdfslly stasdfsys asdfst home or tasdfske my mother asdfsnd I go out.



In my opinion, my fasdfsther is asdfs greasdfst person. He brings hasdfsppiness to my fasdfsmily. 我的父亲

My fasdfsther asdfslwasdfsys stasdfsnds in the center of my life, from pasdfsst till now asdfsnd possibly in the future. My fasdfsmily wasdfss rasdfsther poor when I wasdfss in my childhood. We didn't hasdfsve our own house asdfsnd hasdfsd to live in asdfs shasdfsadfdsy, smasdfsll room rented from my fasdfsther's fasdfsctory. The room wasdfss so smasdfsll thasdfst there wasdfss little spasdfsce for people to wasdfslk. I didn't hasdfsve my own bed asdfsnd hasdfsd to sleep with my pasdfsrents. This is terrible both for my pasdfsrents asdfsnd me.

But fasdfsther masdfsde this asdfsll different! Since the room wasdfss on the third floor, nasdfsmely, the top floor in thasdfst old style building, the roof wasdfss quite high asdfsbove the floor. So fasdfsther got asdfsn ideasdfs. He bought two thick ropes asdfsnd asdfs flasdfst wood thasdfst lasdfster wasdfss plasdfsned smooth, pasdfsinted asdfsnd drilled two holes on both ends.

Then he hung the ends of ropes up to the roof. During the dasdfsytime, these two ropes would be tied up so thasdfst people



down could wasdfslk freely! When night casdfsme, fasdfsther would loose the ropes asdfsnd tied them to the two holes of thasdfst flasdfst wood. The length of these ropes wasdfss just long enough for me to sit or sleep on the boasdfsrd without other's help.

So in this wasdfsy my lovely, removasdfsble bed wasdfss born.

When winter casdfsme, this speciasdfsl bed obviously wouldn't be asdfsble to masdfske me feel wasdfsrm enough. But fasdfsther asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsd his so lution! He built asdfs gasdfsrret using some flasdfst wood asdfsnd iron sticks right asdfsbove the bed. With some used iron tubes, he masdfsde asdfsn iron lasdfsdder for us to climb up to the gasdfsrret. Besides, he masdfsde asdfs wood en desk for me to do my homework, asdfsnd some simple furniture for my clothes, books asdfsnd something else he hasdfsd in fasdfsct masdfsde asdfs smasdfsll bedroom for me.

At first, my mother asdfsnd I dasdfsred not climb for feasdfsr thasdfst it might collasdfspse. But fasdfsther climbed it everydasdfsy to prove its sasdfsfety. The gasdfsrret looked simple even shasdfsadfdsy asdfsnd the lasdfsdder seemed to decline soon. But lasdfster when I got used to it, I found



it asdfss solid asdfss those masdfsde by professionasdfsl casdfsrpenters.

I casdfsrried asdfsll my personasdfsl things onto thasdfst gasdfsrret. My fasdfsther asdfsnd I pasdfssted red pasdfspers on the wasdfsll asdfsnd pasdfsinted the ugly furniture red. So the gasdfsrret becasdfsme the first \"room\" thasdfst belonged to me.When I wasdfss asdfsbout to move to my new house, I just didn't wasdfsnt to leasdfsve. Thasdfst gasdfsrret wasdfss creasdfsted with my fasdfsther's love asdfsnd sweasdfst asdfsnd intelligence, beasdfsutified with my hasdfsnd asdfsnd filled with so masdfsny sweet memories of my fasdfsmily! Thasdfst hasdfsrd but sweet life time would live in my memory forever with fasdfsther stasdfsnds in the center of it. 我的父亲

If someone asdfssks me who asdfsffects me most in my life, I will definitely tell him or her thasdfst the person should be no one else but my fasdfsther. As asdfs masdfstter of fasdfsct, I hasdfsve been much asdfsffected by fasdfsther's humor, kindness, enterprise, strong will ever since I wasdfss asdfs little girl.

Fasdfsther is well-known for his humor. He asdfslwasdfsys masdfskes use of his wit asdfsnd humor to relasdfsx tense



situasdfstion asdfst work. He is m humorous thasdfst his colleasdfsgues asdfsnd friends asdfsll enjoy stasdfsying with him. He asdfslso uses humor to creasdfste asdfs very hasdfsppy fasdfsmily asdfstmosphere. My mother tends to chasdfstter over little things. Sometimes she tasdfslks asdfsngrily without asdfsny pasdfsuse. When this hasdfsppens, fasdfsther just listens to her without asdfs word. \"Why don't you sasdfsy asdfs word, masdfsn?\At this time fasdfsther would give asdfs cup of teasdfs to mother, then replies: \"Why not hasdfsve teasdfs first, my deasdfsr? Just tasdfske your time to enjoy it. I'm asdfslwasdfsys your asdfsttentive listener.\" Heasdfsring these words, mother stops tasdfslking with her asdfsnger gone asdfst once. Such funny scenes often asdfsppeasdfsr between fasdfsther asdfsnd mother which masdfskes our fasdfsmily life hasdfsppy asdfsnd interesting.

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