Sadsad asfasf as fas as fas as as fas fsa f as fsa s af fas fas fas as asf sae the duties of accelerating industrialization and urbanization and developing people living condition, which aggravates the burden and pressure. The leading industries decline ineluctability, which affects the development of these cities. Additionally the development of market economy, the competition between countries, districts and cities, the development of technology, the using of new energy sources and new materials, the revolution caused by Ke the duties of accelerating industrialization and urbanization and developing people living condition, which aggravates the burden and pressure. The leading industries decline ineluctability, which affects the development of these cities. Additionally the development of market economy, the competition between countries, districts and cities, the development of technology, the using of new energy sources and new materials, the revolution caused by Ke the duties of accelerating industrialization and urbanization and developing people living condition, which aggravates the burden and pressure. The leading industries decline ineluctability, which affects the development of these cities. Additionally the development of market economy, the competition between countries, districts and cities, the development of technology, the using of new energy sources and new materials, the revolution caused by Ke the duties of accelerating industrialization and urbanization an콱봤가
he revolution caused by Ke the duties of accelerating industrialization and urbanization and developing people living condition, which aggravates the burden and pressure. The leading industries decline ineluctability, which affects the development of these cities. Additionally the development of market economy, the competition between countries, districts and cities, the development of technology, the using of new energy sources and new materials, the revolution caused by Ke the duties of accelerating industrialization and urbanization and developing people living condition, which aggravates the burden and pressure. The leading industries decline ineluctability, which affects the development of these cities. Additionally the development of market economy, the competition between countries, districts and cities, the development of technology, the using of new energy sources and new materials, the revolution caused by K